Author name: 3nanomiter was born from inspiration drawn from the Jamaica Agreement—a turning point for international finance in 1976—and the launch of the world’s first index fund. We are a global financial community dedicated to providing information across diverse areas including exchange rates, overseas stocks, real estate, and cryptocurrencies. Our platform serves as an open space where investors around the world can freely share insights and knowledge. Reflecting on the historic significance of 1976, we invite you to join in creating and sharing valuable financial information and insights.

Economy & Finance

Autonomous Driving – Autonomous Driving Technology Analysis: Latest Trends & Driverless Future

Autonomous Driving – Autonomous Driving Technology Analysis: Latest Trends & Driverless Future Autonomous Driving – Autonomous Driving Technology Analysis: Latest Trends & Driverless Future Autonomous driving is at the forefront of future mobility. This post dives deep into autonomous driving and driverless technology, exploring the latest trends, market outlook, technical analysis, GPU requirements, and regulatory […]

Economy & Finance

SpaceX Starship Full Reusability & Valuation: The Ultimate Space Industry Investment Guide

SpaceX Starship Full Reusability Technology Analysis & Company Valuation: Space Industry Investment Strategy #SpaceX #Starship #LaunchVehicle #RocketReusability #RaptorEngine #SpaceTech #SpaceIndustry #CompanyValuation #SpaceExploration #SpaceXIPO #Starlink SpaceX Starship Full Reusability Technology Analysis & Company Valuation: Space Industry Investment Strategy SpaceX Starship Technology & Company Valuation Overview 1. Analysis of Starship Development & Technology Rocket Reusability Technology SpaceX’s

Economy & Finance

Part 3: In-Depth Data Analysis & Future Outlook – New Real Estate Opportunities Driven by Demographics, Economy, Policy, and Technology

1. Introduction: Shaping the Future of U.S. Real Estate with Data Accurate data analysis and a keen eye on future trends are critical in the real estate market. Past events—such as the 2008 financial crisis and the dramatic price swings during the 2020 pandemic—clearly demonstrate how macroeconomic forces and policy shifts can dramatically impact the

Economy & Finance

Part 2: Regional Analysis & Market Trends in U.S. Real Estate – Characteristics by Region and City Scale

1. Introduction: The Importance of Regional Differentiation The U.S. real estate market is not a single homogeneous entity; rather, it is a complex mosaic where each region and city size exhibits distinct behaviors. Even within “America,” places like Texas and New York, Florida and California differ significantly in their economies, demographics, and regulations—resulting in notable

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